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Microsoft sold over 750K Xbox 360s last week, more than double Wii U sales


Microsoft's aging Xbox 360 console still has some pep in its proverbial step, moving more than 750K consoles last week in the US alone, rounded out by Black Friday. Between November 18 and 23, 360 sales bucked internal forecasts -- no doubt bolstered by the release of Halo 4 a few weeks prior, as well as holiday bundles -- helping Microsoft's game box to best Nintendo's new Wii U by more than double (during the Wii U's launch week, no less). Of course, the Xbox 360 now exists in a variety of flavors, from the $99 subscription model to the $300 S model; this makes Nintendo's $300 minimum for a Wii U a somewhat unfair comparison with the variety of Xbox 360s out there.

Regardless, Redmond's assuredly hoping these sales numbers will keep Xbox 360 in the top of NPD's monthly sales charts (October was the 360's 22nd consecutive month on top), though we have a few more weeks before we'll hear for certain which console maker moved the most units during one of the year's most crucial sales months. Despite a new PlayStation 3 model and the launch of the Vita this year, Sony's yet to announce its Black Friday numbers.

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via Engadget http://www.engadget.com/2012/11/27/microsoft-xbox-360-sales-black-friday-2012/



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